Present Soulution

And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. Gal 6:9


Holy Days VS. Holidays

What God has been impressing on me ia the conflict between Holy days and holidays, the roots of all the Holidays are pagan ( On those days there were often fertility rites or cerimonies that often had sacrifices and tree worship as in Christmas. To God this is worship to another God even if someone […]

How to survive the coming collapse

As the government, regulators, bankers, professors (i.e. movie, inside job) got together to steal our future, and no one goes to jail.  Everything goes up in price because the middle east has a revelation – being an Arab isn’t all its cracked up to be.  The FDA lets drugs be passed and advertised on T.V. […]


Mottoes 1. KEEP THE LOVE! 2.Call each other friend ( keep the borders of behavior as a friend) 3.We are on the same side (act like it. If you haven’t apologize ) 4. I am not your enemy. ( prove it) (ask). Rules 1. Definitive talk. Do not be vague , Evil translators can get […]


It is to divide you and your family through unforgiveness, disappointments, resentments, hurts, and unresolved issues, from your past to the present. He wants situations to come up over and over again, that are like the ones of the past, and expand on them to create more and more hurts so your heart is hardened, […]

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