Present Soulution

And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. Gal 6:9

Holy Days VS. Holidays

What God has been impressing on me ia the conflict between Holy days and holidays, the roots of all the Holidays are pagan ( On those days there were often fertility rites or cerimonies that often had sacrifices and tree worship as in Christmas. To God this is worship to another God even if someone tells you different (traditions of man) God hates it and says he is a jealos. hAmatter of fact he says those who are invovled in such things hate him and he curses them to the 3rd and 4th generation, that is the second commandment. The Sabbath days God said to keep Holy and not to work on them. To honor him you don’t work. Now some call Sunday there Sabbath but how many of them still work and don’t teach about God and his word to his family on that day? Does man have the power or right to change Gods Holy days? They do not. It takes someone with equal or more authority to change a standing order, and from Exodus God called them an army. Because of being involved in What God has been impressing me with lately is the conflict between Holidays and Holi days. You see tsex holidays and serveing other Gods by it you give your soul over to the Lust spirits of Satan . There by cause divorce and problems of contentment in personal relationships between man and wife.

The inverse or truth is God set apart his Holy days, Feast days, days to meet with God and be sanctified (cleansed) to know him and his word and the stories of the Bible, Torah, and the books, that we may have fellowship with him and one another, one accord, one spirit, with him that he might bless us in our obediance.

The Passover which God said should be kept the way he said it should be kept, with a lamb, is to show Jesus, Yashua, and deliverance coming out of slavery, Baal worship, Egypt. They were all kinds of slaves with no days of rest, even sex slaves.

To conclude Holidays equal sex marriage problems. Keeping Holy days equal blessings and peace.

Moses said to Israel (those that were circumsised in the heart and lived by the law and spirit) choose this day death and curses or life and blessing.

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